Keeping track of various purchase and repayment dates can be a hassle. So, for your convenience, at Propell, each calendar month is a new billing cycle. This makes your life easier when it comes to making repayments.
After making a purchase, you can now get up to 2 months free from interest and repayments. We combine all the purchases you make in a month into a single repayment amount, which you won’t need to start paying off until the end of the repayment-free period. Repayments that are due after the repayment-free period are scheduled in monthly instalments, with your repayments falling due at the end of each month.
This is a more streamlined billing process, and a much smarter way to repay. It should help you better manage your business’ cash flow.
For example, if you make a purchase on the first day of the month, then you will get the full 2-month period free from interest and repayments. If you make a purchase in the middle of the month, then you will get the rest of that month, plus the next two months, free from interest and repayments.